
good robots do what they're told

Wrapping Exceptions is Dull

I’m totally bored of wrapping exceptions in Java,

try {
   // do something
} catch (BoredomException e) {
   // do something else

It’s verbose, ugly and has nothing to do with what you’re really trying to convey. It’s just noise. For example, when using the dreadful Google Data API to access my calendar, I wrapped a couple of underlying Google services to be able to mock. Each service wanted to throw a bunch of Google specific exceptions which I wanted to rethrow as application specific exceptions.

public O call() throws CalendarException {
    try {
        return;  // the call to the google service
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        throw new CalendarException(BAD_URL_MESSAGE, e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new CalendarException(IO_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE, e);
    } catch (AuthenticationException e) {
        throw new CalendarException(AUTHENTICATION_MESSAGE, e);
    } catch (ServiceException e) {
        throw new CalendarException(SERVICE_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE, e);

If I didn’t delegate like this, every internal call would have to wrap and handle the google exceptions rather than my application specific one. There’s no class hierarchy in Google’s API here.

As I’ve done this a few times, I decided to add it to tempus-fugit as a ExceptionWrapper class. Using this class, you can wrap a Callable to rethrow any caught exception as some other (including the underlying exception as the cause).

So, in a similar way to the above, the client can ignore any declared exceptions and just rethrow them in-line. For example,

wrapAnyException(new Callable<Object>() {
    public Object call() throws ServiceException {
         // nasty code throwing a bunch of exceptions
}, with(CalendarException.class));

when this is in-lined further, it hopefully becomes more succinct.

wrapAnyException(serviceCall(), with(CalendarException.class));

This will wrap any exception and rethrow as a new CalendarException to include as the cause any underlying exception. It uses reflection to create the new exception, and forces the syntactically sugary with by taking a WithException as the second parameter.

It’s in tempus-fugit, let me know if you find it useful.

Over to you...