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JMock to Scalamock Cheat Sheet

An abbreviated set of JMock examples with their Scalamock equivalents.

Mock Objects & the “Context”

Mocks and Mockery: Java / JMock
private final Mockery context = new JUnit4Mockery();

private final ScheduledExecutorService executor = context.mock(ScheduledExecutorService.class);
private final ScheduledFuture future = context.mock(ScheduledFuture.class);
Mocks and Mockery: Scala / Scalamock & Specs2
"A test with a mock context in scope" in new MockContext {
  val executor = mock[ScheduledExecutorService]
  val future = mock[ScheduledFuture[Any]]
  // ...


Return a value: Java / JMock
context.checking(new Expectations()
    oneOf(executor).shutdownNow(); will(returnValue(asList(waiting)));
Return a value: Scala / Scalamock
(executor.shutdownNow _).expects().returning(asList(waiting)).once
(waiting.cancel _).expects(true).once


  • expects() is required for zero argument method call expectations.
  • You can leave off once; it will default to the same behaviour

Allowing / Ignoring

Allowing: JMock / Java
context.checking(new Expectations()
    allowing(executor).scheduleWithFixedDelay(with(any(Runnable.class)), with(any(Long.class)), with(any(Long.class)), with(any(TimeUnit.class))); will(returnValue(future));
Allowing: Scalamock / Scala
(executor.scheduleWithFixedDelay _).expects(*, *, * , *).returning(future)
(future.cancel _).expects(true).once


  • You could also add .anyNumberOfTimes after the returning call but it’s unnecessary.
  • There’s no way to distinguish the intention of allowing and ignoring interactions in Scalamock.

Default Values

JMock will return a default value (as a dynamic proxy) if you set up an expectation but leave off a returnValue. In the example below, we don’t care if it returns anything so if the code under test relies on a value, but the test does not, we don’t have to express anything in the test.

Default Values: JMock / Java

If the underlying code were to check, say, that the result of factory.create() was not an empty list with if (result.isEmpty()), JMock would return something sensible and we’d avoid a NullPointerException. You might argue that this side affect should be captured in a test but leaving it off makes the intention of expectation clearer; we only care that create is called, not what it returns.

Scalamock will return null by default. So the above example would give a NullPointerException and you’re required to do something like this. Notice we’re using a stub and not a mock here.

Default Values: Scalamock / Scala
val result = stub[Result]
(factory.create _).expects().once.returning(List(result))

Any / Wildcards

JMock uses with and Hamcrest the matcher IsAnything (any) to match anything. The type is used by the compiler.

Any: JMock / Java
context.checking(new Expectations()

In the Scala version, use a type ascription to give the compiler a hand in the partially applied method call;

Any: Scalamock / Scala
(factory.notifyObservers(_: SomeException)).expects(*).anyNumberOfTimes
(factory.notifyObservers(_: SomeException)).expects(*).once


  • AnotherException is a subtype of SomeException but any will match on literally anything. Using subtypes like this in JMock is a bit of a smell as a test won’t fail if a different subtype is thrown at runtime. It may be useful to express intent.
  • You can’t replicate the subtype line in Scalamock; ((factory.notifyObservers(_: AnotherException)) doesn’t compile.

Throwing Exceptions

Exception: JMock / Java
final Exception exception = new RuntimeException();
context.checking(new Expectations()
    oneOf(factory).create(); will(throwException(exception));
Exception: Scalamock / Scala
val exception = new Exception
(factory.create _).expects().throws(exception).once
(factory.notifyObservers(_: Exception)).expects(exception).once


  • In Scalamock, throws and throwing are interchangeable.
  • Again, once is optional.

Over to you...