You could also add .anyNumberOfTimes after the returning call but it’s unnecessary.
There’s no way to distinguish the intention of allowing and ignoring interactions in Scalamock.
Default Values
JMock will return a default value (as a dynamic proxy) if you set up an expectation but leave off a returnValue. In the example below, we don’t care if it returns anything so if the code under test relies on a value, but the test does not, we don’t have to express anything in the test.
Default Values: JMock / Java
If the underlying code were to check, say, that the result of factory.create() was not an empty list with if (result.isEmpty()), JMock would return something sensible and we’d avoid a NullPointerException. You might argue that this side affect should be captured in a test but leaving it off makes the intention of expectation clearer; we only care that create is called, not what it returns.
Scalamock will return null by default. So the above example would give a NullPointerException and you’re required to do something like this. Notice we’re using a stub and not a mock here.
AnotherException is a subtype of SomeException but any will match on literally anything. Using subtypes like this in JMock is a bit of a smell as a test won’t fail if a different subtype is thrown at runtime. It may be useful to express intent.