
good robots do what they're told

Writing my Book

There haven’t been many posts on the blog recently because I’ve been super-busy working on my book Essential Acceptance Testing. It’s published via Leanpub and talks about the typical acceptance testing strategy and how, more often than not, it’s driven by dogma rather than by a genuine testing need.

Acceptance testing in it’s generally accepted form, is so full of duplication and cruft that gaining software confidence can come at a high price. It doesn’t have to be this way. The book talks about how we can reclaim all the good parts of acceptance testing without suffering the long build times and specification overload.

It also talks about when not to bother; how gaining software confidence isn’t always about testing. Fast feedback and writing software that’s cheap to change can be an effective alternative to testing and help shorten the path from concept to cash.

Keep an eye on my blog’s book page for the latest news and head over to Leanpub to purchase a copy or download a free sample.